Friday, September 30, 2011

I Was Called a Peruvian Sailor Once and The End

Next stop Cusco. This was probably my favorite stop of the trip. I was very blessed to have the opportunity to work at The Meeting Place, which is operated by the awesome Scott Englund. There I served coffee, food and just chit chatted with many of the customers who were backpackers. If you ever go to Cusco please go to the Meeting Place, its in Plaza San Blas, they have amazing waffles and Scott is pretty cool. They also give all of their profit to five different organizations that work in Cusco and house the church that I think goes by the same name...
Anyways we were able to work with many of these organizations. I was privileged to help out at Club C.O.R.A.S.O.N. which is an after school program in a rural part of Cusco. It was pretty rural in one of the places that we went, no taxis, which meant a nice walk. I am not being sarcastic when I say a nice walk, the views were stunning. The rest rest of our group also got to help build a medical clinic that was being helped built by the doctors.
I love Cusco and it is a strong desire of mine to return to that city. I am really praying right now though on how long and for what reasons and when. I had an amazing time in Cusco, we were also able to hand out flowers to the cleaning ladies and they really loved them. We also were able to taste guinea pig, lets just say its not something you eat for the aesthetics. haha.
After Cusco we had the dreaded bus ride back to Lima. However this time we were headed down and were able to view the beautiful Andes as we drove.
Once we got to Lima we met up with the church that would be housing us. The church we were staying with was our leader, Julia's, former church while she lived in Lima. We worked closely with the youth group who were an amazing bunch of people. I will always remember the hospitality and open arms they welcomed us in. It was very different working with people who our age. We played games, football and even beat them in a dance off according to very controversial results. I hope to go back and see them all someday.
While in Lima we helped out with the kids ministries and the mentally disabled programs the church had in place. We were able to through on a kids sports day, which was a bundle of fun. We ended up playing a very heated volleyball match with the schools teachers and were beat pretty soundly. It was a great time, I feel we made an impact on the youth group there in Lima and they made an impact to us.
During this time I got really sick. I was not able to participate very much and frankly I was beat after our long outreach and did not put in the effort I should of this last week. However I met friends there who I did not expect to meet or try to. According to them we had an impact and God really showed me that it is he who in charge, no matter how I try to screw it up.  I learned this over and over throughout outreach, God is in control not you Chris.

So this was the end of outreach. We had a wrap up in Mira Flores, the rich part in Lima and probably the richest part of anywhere I had been. We talked about reentry and what it would be like to be home. Well I thought it was all going to be ok. Truth is I was wrong. I had just had the most amazing time of my life. God rocked my world, destroyed the old me and shaped who I am now. I was leaving this community of friends, where we had all grown together, fought together and seen God together. It was hard and you feel the shock of this when you get home. I have had it easier though, they said you would come home and your friends might not be that supporting of the new you. I however have been blessed to come home to my changed friend Nathanael and his amazing church. I have not been perfect, it has been hard but it has helped.

God has taught me so much over this period of time. I know this is just the beginning of my new life in Him. I encourage you to take this step, haha this is the part where I tell you run to Jesus. I know now what I believe and why I believe this. I do not want it to end here and have been really praying what is next in my life. I dont know if its school or back to Cusco or something else all I know is that I want to go where He wants me to go. So pray for me haha.
Also if you are thinking of going on a DTS, please go. Do not hesitate, procrastinate or put off an amazing period time in your life. God will provide.

Ok so this is it. If you have read all of my blogs thank you. I cant wait to record the next part of my life.
I miss and Love you Xtreme/Backpackers april DTS

The Best Outreach Team

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